
Jul 10, 2009

sell out!

From Wired.

Comic-Con Sell-Out to Be: Darth Vader Toaster

The new Star Wars Darth Vader Toaster is a sure-fire Comic-Con sell-out and every writer should get one for free.

San Diego’s Comic-Con International is more than a massive expo to build hype for the coming year’s biggest genre TV shows and movies. It’s a money murderer’s row of merchandise scientifically engineered to beam funds right out of the wallets chained to the average fanboy’s bulging belt.

It’ll be a surprise to precisely no one that Lucasfilm leads the vanguard of Comic-Con must-have gimmicks and gadgets. The marketing machine that put the “action” in action figures will introduce the Star Wars toaster (above) at this year’s convention, which runs July 23 to 26. The device turns every piece of toast over to the dark side — burning an image of everyone’s favorite Dark Lord of the Sith onto your Wonder Bread. How else would you get a chance to smudge jam into Darth Vader’s grill?

If you want Imperial forces in charge of even more of your kitchen’s carbs, you can add the Death Jar cookie container to your counter. Crack the lid on this technological terror and a million Chips Ahoy will cry out in horror — before they’re suddenly silenced down your gullet.

Image courtesy


Either this is an Empire Smear Campaign from those darned rebel scum or Vader really needed the monies.

Hey, those armor polish don't come cheap, you know!


Lissa Ahmad said...

muaha, best nyer..