
Jun 15, 2009

Pesta Malam Indonesia 3

Omigawd! PESTA MALAM INDONESIA 3 is next Saturday!!

Today is already June the 15 and we still haven't bought our tickets yet.
We have tried our luck to grab some free tickets from HotFM, but to no avail. FAILED, big time. Lissa as usual is always busy at the office and I can't listen to the radio in the office. Streaming radio doesn't seem to be live.

Maybe we can score some ticket during the concert day, hopefully they won't jacked up the price there.

BTW, this year seems like a dream come true for the both of us as it seems like a repeat of the 1st PMI in 2006.

Just look at the band list. There's Dewa, Padi, Andra & the Backbone, and of course, GIGI and SO7! We just know in our hearts that its gonna freaking rocked our brains off!

For Lissa and I, PMI seems like when we decided to share our biggest news with our own circle of friends, think of it as our own private press conference. Without the press of course, and also it's not really a conference.

For example, PMI 1 (2006) was where we decided to tell them we are going to have a baby. (during the rain no less, for obvious dramatical effect \m/ ) and PMI 2 last year was when we decided that, erm, wait, was it? no, that one, no. Eh, there was no news last year is it? Hahah, maybe we were so excited that there was actually another PMI that we totally forget to prepare some breaking news. o-O;

Btw, there's a lots of ways how YOU guys can actually score some tickets, let see, there's Axcess Ticket counter, during the concert day at Stadium Bukit Jalil car park A (that should be your last resort) fyi, map is here. Interestingly, the tickets will include some iTalk goodies worth RM10 (that price includes in the RM60 you paid for the ticket).

I should start using my own advice and start looking for some tickets.

See you guys at the Stadium, and to the bands performing, I expected my brain to be properly rocked! \m/


Lissa Ahmad said...

dude, where's my ticket?