Dulu aku ada blog lain, aku guna Diaryland dulu, lama aku maintain tu. Lepas tu lama jugakla aku takmemBlogkan diri, sehinggalah sekarang. Aku taknak guna Diaryland lagi sebabaku nak guna Blogger pulak.
Aku sebenarnya nak carik blog address yang ada mengambarkan ciri-ciri seorang geek. Puaslah aku taip memacam, Riot geek la, punk rock geek la, touch my geek (hehe) la, project geek la, geekism , geek itulah, geek inilah, tapi semuanya dapat message sama, it's zee taken(bak kata mamat french).
So sebab geram aku taip la Geek Sangat, as in "geek sangat la korang tuh, ingat bagus ke? main ambik je nama best2 yg aku mau (walhal diri sendiri yg memula nak geek-geek gak. Hai, dunia dunia, jual orang lagi untung - bak kata Hussin lempoyang)
Tengok-tengok, available plak, so sebab rasa cam best (blog address tu, bukan aku yg best) aku pun guna nama tuh.
Hopefully dapat la aku update selalu, tak berkubur je cam blog aku yg dulu.
FYI aku akan update dlm bahasa malaysia atau english atau campuradukkan kedua-duanya sekali.
FYI 'space bar' keyboard ni cam hampas, asyik kena tekan dua tiga kali baru nak register satu space! Aku tukar laptop kang baru tau.
Hah! jadi lagi sekali. Sial tol.

:a bit about me:
...is a Malaysian.
...loves His country.
...loves other peoples country too, namely Japan,Indonesia and partly UK.
...lives in Malaysia, but wish someday he'll wake up in Tokyo.
...is married.(1 of 4...kidding wak!).
...have the blood of Malay & Java flowing in his veins.
...likes to think that he is creative and imaginative.
...understand if other people does not understands his way of thinking, c'est la vie
...is a bit OCD, a bit ADD with a dash of lazy, so it is really hard to focus in order to finish anything
...but his wife will make sure he did finish everything correctly ;P
...loves a cup of Java in the morning. (but currently on a self imposed detox program).
...speak a bit of Java(not the programming language, the human language, and I do mean only a bit).
...loves his family.
...goes crazy for all sort of gadget.
...born in the 70's but a child of the 80's.
...getting younger every day.
...is an imaginatives & a daydreamer.
...loves imagination & daydreaming.
...loves music,toys,movies,scifi,comics,art&all sort of geekery.
...will finish this list when he's not sleepy.
geek la sangat... tapi geek sangat mmg best
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